
You what goo?


It’s another way to participate in the exploration of space!

For one of their products, you can name a planet and/or vote on the name.  Then you can donate them a little cash for the privileged to do so.  Or you can donate directly.

We’re not done yet.  The money you donate is then used to fund specific programs.

“For every planet name nomination and vote we receive, we will pay our expenses and then devote the remaining funds to The Uwingu Fund which will be used to fund space research, education, and exploration projects. Proposal solicitation will begin early in 2013.” ~Uwingu

Win, win, win all around.  Do you have a project that they might fund?  See the Application page to receive notifications and maybe you’ll get on their list of fundees.

It’s interesting to note that I see no one on the list of team members that I know.  It’s an indicator of how Everyday Spacers is a growing subset of the overall population.

BTW, Uwingu means sky, possibly in Swahili.

*Internet access may be required
*No age restrictions found
*A small fee to name, vote; none to apply for a grant


MY APOLOGIES I recently activated a ‘captcha’ plug-in. Each comment will now verify you are a visitor who wants to leave an actual comment. I saw hundreds of messages a day which had nothing to do with Everyday Spacer, or you. The task of sifting and sorting was keeping me from writing and from your real comments. Please reach out as you wish, I want to hear from you and be of service, as I am able. I would not use the ‘captcha’ program if I didn’t have to.

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