CRUNCHY TOPIC: Top 5 Cyber Security News

The next episode of our Friday Night Show airs on June 7th at 9pm Pacific time!

Back by popular demand!

Jeff will discuss several recent events in cyber security and what they mean to you.

What do certain terms used in the news mean and how do these events affect you?

Most major cyber gangs attack big companies but there are a number of smaller players out there too.

Even if you are not the target, you can still be a victim. There have been several attacks against water processing plants (one of which made the news) and power companies across the world.

How do they keep getting in?

Come see how they have done it and what could have stopped them.

Join Jeff and Pam LIVE on Friday nights at 9pm Pacific time, USA.

The Friday night show is broadcast on FB and YouTube – just look for Everyday Spacer on either platform.

If you’d like to ask questions, share Space Station sightings or ask what planet you saw in the sky, we’ll help you out. We’ll have a main topic or a guest, then share the highlights of the week ahead and the rest will be ad lib. It might be VERY ad lib sometimes! LOL

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Pam’s book is here…
Your Amazing Itty Bitty Explore Space Now! Book by Pam Hoffman…

Cyber security resources…

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