Help Us Welcome Bob Stoffregen!

The next episode of our Friday Night Show airs on July 12th at 9pm Pacific time!

Are you ready to learn how to take better pictures, especially of the night sky? If you are, you’ll want to stop by next Friday to hear from our next guest.

Bob Stoffregen has been a hobbyist photographer for many years who enjoys sharing the world and universe around him through photography. Bob enjoys digging into the details and the technical side of an image and enjoys sharing the results with others.

Especially challenging are deep space and wide field night time images where getting the details right can make or break a good photo. He loves to share the night sky with others and participates in skywatches hosted by his astronomy club in which he is a member as well as a local park.

“It’s very satisfying when a visitor to the eyepiece sees the craters on the moon or rings of Saturn for the very first time and gives you an ‘Oh Wow!'”

Join Jeff and Pam LIVE on Friday nights at 9pm Pacific time, USA.

The Friday night show is broadcast on FB and YouTube – just look for Everyday Spacer on either platform.

If you’d like to ask questions, share Space Station sightings or ask what planet you saw in the sky, we’ll help you out. We’ll have a main topic or a guest, then share the highlights of the week ahead and the rest will be ad lib. It might be VERY ad lib sometimes! LOL

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Pam’s book is here…
Your Amazing Itty Bitty Explore Space Now! Book by Pam Hoffman…

On astrophotography…

This entry was posted in Entertainment, Friday Night Show, In The Night Sky, Space Exploration. Bookmark the permalink.