Jeff Miller

Just as the old ’49ers used outposts for supplies, 2049 Outfitters offers modern and future supplies, etc.

I have been interested in space exploration and science since I was almost 6 years old and watched Neil Armstrong take that first small step on the Moon.

I was the Director of the IT department of a commercial lender for 13 years.

As part of my space hobby I attended space conferences like Space Access Society where I met and interacted with a number of “small launch” entrepreneurs. Many were saying things along the lines of “if I had the funding, we could do….” I saw a need that I could fulfill that would leverage the knowledge that I picked working for a financial institution (a good IT Director either knows the business that they are supporting or learns it really quickly) with my passion for getting a sustainable population off of our planet.

I now help businesses obtain funding in the $30MM+ range (though the funders didn’t really start getting excited unless the project was at least $100MM). I’m good at it and I enjoy it a lot (when my clients listen to me and don’t hide stuff from me that the funders will discover doing their due diligence).

However, it turns out that it is much too early to get that kind of funding for space ventures and the very few people in the small launch business who would qualify for that funding don’t seem to need it. So, my two passions have to be separate for now.

Contact: 805-590-6356 | shadocat 2 at gmail dot com
