Did you ever dream of running away with the circus when you were a child? (Neither did I, I wanted to travel on the Starship Enterprise)
I suppose some people did.
I asked because I recently discovered Carnival of Space, on Universe Today. This is a special system where a number of bloggers collaborate for the benefit of them all.
If you have a space based blog, you might enjoy joining this carnival.
There are two sides to this process. You can contribute to other people’s blogs on one side and you can host contributions from other bloggers on the other side.
I’ve already contributed to the Carnival three times.
Starry Critters
The Venus Transit
Vintage Space by Amy Shira Teitel
And I’ve received a number of visits originating from them already. Everyday Spacer is being introduced to a wider and wider audience by participating in the Carnival of Space.
On January 18, 2013, I will host the Carnival of Space right here on Everyday Spacer.
There are several benefits to participating to the fullest in this Carnival. You get a blog post, virtually, written for you when you host. You receive back-links from other blogs, of authority, when you contribute to the other blogs plus the blogs tend to be diverse in the niche topic. If the other blogs are ranked well they lend you credibility. All growing in a natural, organic way.
I suppose I can claim ‘As Seen On…’ status now, for all the blogs I’ve contributed to.
Lots of good stuff happening to support your internet marketing efforts for your blog with this tool. And you provide the same for other bloggers.
This particular Carnival, Carnival of Space, seems pretty lively. That’s a good thing. They’ve been going since April ’07 so there’s longevity. I noticed a couple of other things that could be leveraged better so I’ll be looking into that.
So what if you have some other type of business you’d like to promote? There might already be a Blog Carnival out there. If there isn’t, why not start one? Browse around that Blog Carnival page a bit. There are many resources available to you in support of your efforts.
*Internet access is necessary
*Any age can participate
*No cost to participate
MY APOLOGIES I recently activated a ‘captcha’ plug-in. Each comment will now verify you are a visitor who wants to leave an actual comment. I saw hundreds of messages a day which had nothing to do with Everyday Spacer, or you. The task of sifting and sorting was keeping me from writing and from your real comments. Please reach out as you wish, I want to hear from you and be of service, as I am able. I would not use the ‘captcha’ program if I didn’t have to.