Radio Galaxy Zoo: EMU

The next episode of our Friday Night Show airs on July 26th at 9pm Pacific time!

Do you want to have fun doing science?

Learn how anyone can help scientists find black holes and star forming regions. During Friday’s show we will discuss a new Zooniverse project from the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder. You can be part of a crowd-source project finding those regions in the astronomical photos.

“On the radio sky, there are millions of radio galaxies, star-forming galaxies, and even unknown unknowns! They are just there, awaiting your discovery!” ~Research Team

“Welcome to Radio Galaxy Zoo EMU! Following the original, very productive Radio Galaxy Zoo, we now need your help to work with the spectacular radio images from the Evolutionary Map of the Universe (EMU) Survey from the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP). Your work will teach us which patches of radio emission belong together, and which optical or infrared galaxy is the home of the supermassive black hole that is usually responsible for the radio emission.” ~Zooniverse

Join Jeff and Pam LIVE on Friday nights at 9pm Pacific time, USA.

The Friday night show is broadcast on FB and YouTube – just look for Everyday Spacer on either platform.

If you’d like to ask questions, share Space Station sightings or ask what planet you saw in the sky, we’ll help you out. We’ll have a main topic or a guest, then share the highlights of the week ahead and the rest will be ad lib. It might be VERY ad lib sometimes! LOL

#espacer #EverydaySpacer

To support Everyday Spacer through Patreon, visit…

Pam’s book is here…
Your Amazing Itty Bitty Explore Space Now! Book by Pam Hoffman…

Learn about Space Exploration…

Posted in Astronomy, Citizen Science, Crowd Source, Entertainment, Friday Night Show, Science, Space Exploration | Comments Off on Radio Galaxy Zoo: EMU

PROFILE: Yvonne Brill

The next episode of our Friday Night Show airs on July 19th at 9pm Pacific time!

Wanna be a rocket scientist? It could happen.

Our friend Dawn discovered Yvonne Brill recently. After a little digging, it was very clear that Ms. Brill had an important and indelible affect on the space industry…

“She is responsible for inventing the Electrothermal Hydrazine Thruster (EHT/Resistojet), a fuel-efficient rocket thruster that keeps today’s satellites in orbit, and holds a patent for its invention.” ~Wikipedia

Join Jeff and Pam LIVE on Friday nights at 9pm Pacific time, USA.

The Friday night show is broadcast on FB and YouTube – just look for Everyday Spacer on either platform.

If you’d like to ask questions, share Space Station sightings or ask what planet you saw in the sky, we’ll help you out. We’ll have a main topic or a guest, then share the highlights of the week ahead and the rest will be ad lib. It might be VERY ad lib sometimes! LOL

#espacer #EverydaySpacer

To support Everyday Spacer through Patreon, visit…

Pam’s book is here…
Your Amazing Itty Bitty Explore Space Now! Book by Pam Hoffman…

Rocket Science…

Posted in Crunchy Topic, Entertainment, Friday Night Show, Science, Space Exploration | Comments Off on PROFILE: Yvonne Brill

Help Us Welcome Bob Stoffregen!

The next episode of our Friday Night Show airs on July 12th at 9pm Pacific time!

Are you ready to learn how to take better pictures, especially of the night sky? If you are, you’ll want to stop by next Friday to hear from our next guest.

Bob Stoffregen has been a hobbyist photographer for many years who enjoys sharing the world and universe around him through photography. Bob enjoys digging into the details and the technical side of an image and enjoys sharing the results with others.

Especially challenging are deep space and wide field night time images where getting the details right can make or break a good photo. He loves to share the night sky with others and participates in skywatches hosted by his astronomy club in which he is a member as well as a local park.

“It’s very satisfying when a visitor to the eyepiece sees the craters on the moon or rings of Saturn for the very first time and gives you an ‘Oh Wow!'”

Join Jeff and Pam LIVE on Friday nights at 9pm Pacific time, USA.

The Friday night show is broadcast on FB and YouTube – just look for Everyday Spacer on either platform.

If you’d like to ask questions, share Space Station sightings or ask what planet you saw in the sky, we’ll help you out. We’ll have a main topic or a guest, then share the highlights of the week ahead and the rest will be ad lib. It might be VERY ad lib sometimes! LOL

#espacer #EverydaySpacer

To support Everyday Spacer through Patreon, visit…

Pam’s book is here…
Your Amazing Itty Bitty Explore Space Now! Book by Pam Hoffman…

On astrophotography…

Posted in Entertainment, Friday Night Show, In The Night Sky, Space Exploration | Comments Off on Help Us Welcome Bob Stoffregen!


The next episode of our Friday Night Show airs on July 5th at 9pm Pacific time!

Happy Independence Day USA.

There’s something about freedom. Freedom allows for innovation. It’s also about saying something that the government disagrees with. Freedom continues to be fought for. What is it about freedom?

Tonight, we’ll visit for a bit and talk about freedom. We forgot to tell you about worms on Mars last week and maybe we’ll discuss some other things.

You are welcome to join us and have a conversation!

Join Jeff and Pam LIVE on Friday nights at 9pm Pacific time, USA.

The Friday night show is broadcast on FB and YouTube – just look for Everyday Spacer on either platform.

If you’d like to ask questions, share Space Station sightings or ask what planet you saw in the sky, we’ll help you out. We’ll have a main topic or a guest, then share the highlights of the week ahead and the rest will be ad lib. It might be VERY ad lib sometimes! LOL

#espacer #EverydaySpacer

To support Everyday Spacer through Patreon, visit…

Pam’s book is here…
Your Amazing Itty Bitty Explore Space Now! Book by Pam Hoffman…

On Freedom…

Posted in Entertainment, Friday Night Show | Comments Off on Freedom!

CRUNCHY TOPIC: Detoxifying Mars

The next episode of our Friday Night Show airs on June 28th at 9pm Pacific time!

One of the major hitches in colonizing Mars is the presence of very high concentrations of perchlorates in the Martian regolith (soil). Perchlorates are poisonous even in much smaller concentrations than are found on Mars. The previous methods of cleaning the soil involve using a lot of water (which is not easy to come by on Mars) that gives you clean soil but poisonous water. That is not an improvement of your situation. However there is a new method that may break down the perchlorates into usable chemicals.

During this episode we’ll talk about where the perchlorates came from and explore the various methods of removing the perchlorates or just living with them.

Join Jeff and Pam LIVE on Friday nights at 9pm Pacific time, USA.

The Friday night show is broadcast on FB and YouTube – just look for Everyday Spacer on either platform.

If you’d like to ask questions, share Space Station sightings or ask what planet you saw in the sky, we’ll help you out. We’ll have a main topic or a guest, then share the highlights of the week ahead and the rest will be ad lib. It might be VERY ad lib sometimes! LOL

#espacer #EverydaySpacer

To support Everyday Spacer through Patreon, visit…

Pam’s book is here…
Your Amazing Itty Bitty Explore Space Now! Book by Pam Hoffman…

About Mars…

Posted in Crunchy Topic, Entertainment, Friday Night Show, Science, Space Exploration | Comments Off on CRUNCHY TOPIC: Detoxifying Mars

Help Us Welcome Larry Bartoszek!

The next episode of our Friday Night Show airs on June 17th at 9pm Pacific time!

Join Jeff and Pam LIVE on Friday nights at 9pm Pacific time, USA.

The Friday night show is broadcast on FB and YouTube – just look for Everyday Spacer on either platform.

If you’d like to ask questions, share Space Station sightings or ask what planet you saw in the sky, we’ll help you out. We’ll have a main topic or a guest, then share the highlights of the week ahead and the rest will be ad lib. It might be VERY ad lib sometimes! LOL

#espacer #EverydaySpacer

To support Everyday Spacer through Patreon, visit…

Pam’s book is here…
Your Amazing Itty Bitty Explore Space Now! Book by Pam Hoffman…

Mechanical engineering…

Posted in Crunchy Topic, Entertainment, Friday Night Show, Fun, Science, Space Exploration | Comments Off on Help Us Welcome Larry Bartoszek!

PROFILE: Jackie Cochran

The next episode of our Friday Night Show airs on June 10th at 9pm Pacific time!

“Jacqueline Cochran (May 11, 1906 – August 9, 1980) was an American pilot and business executive. She pioneered women’s aviation as one of the most prominent racing pilots of her generation. She set numerous records and was the first woman to break the sound barrier on 18 May 1953. Cochran (along with Nancy Love) was the wartime head of the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) (1943–1944), which employed about 1000 civilian American women in a non-combat role to ferry planes from factories to port cities. Cochran was later a sponsor of the Mercury 13 women astronaut program.” ~Wikipedia

Join Jeff and Pam LIVE on Friday nights at 9pm Pacific time, USA.

The Friday night show is broadcast on FB and YouTube – just look for Everyday Spacer on either platform.

If you’d like to ask questions, share Space Station sightings or ask what planet you saw in the sky, we’ll help you out. We’ll have a main topic or a guest, then share the highlights of the week ahead and the rest will be ad lib. It might be VERY ad lib sometimes! LOL

#espacer #EverydaySpacer

To support Everyday Spacer through Patreon, visit…

Pam’s book is here…
Your Amazing Itty Bitty Explore Space Now! Book by Pam Hoffman…

Jackie Cochran books…

Posted in Entertainment, Friday Night Show, Profile | Comments Off on PROFILE: Jackie Cochran

CRUNCHY TOPIC: Top 5 Cyber Security News

The next episode of our Friday Night Show airs on June 7th at 9pm Pacific time!

Back by popular demand!

Jeff will discuss several recent events in cyber security and what they mean to you.

What do certain terms used in the news mean and how do these events affect you?

Most major cyber gangs attack big companies but there are a number of smaller players out there too.

Even if you are not the target, you can still be a victim. There have been several attacks against water processing plants (one of which made the news) and power companies across the world.

How do they keep getting in?

Come see how they have done it and what could have stopped them.

Join Jeff and Pam LIVE on Friday nights at 9pm Pacific time, USA.

The Friday night show is broadcast on FB and YouTube – just look for Everyday Spacer on either platform.

If you’d like to ask questions, share Space Station sightings or ask what planet you saw in the sky, we’ll help you out. We’ll have a main topic or a guest, then share the highlights of the week ahead and the rest will be ad lib. It might be VERY ad lib sometimes! LOL

#espacer #EverydaySpacer

To support Everyday Spacer through Patreon, visit…

Pam’s book is here…
Your Amazing Itty Bitty Explore Space Now! Book by Pam Hoffman…

Cyber security resources…

Posted in Crunchy Topic, Entertainment, Friday Night Show | Comments Off on CRUNCHY TOPIC: Top 5 Cyber Security News


The next episode of our Friday Night Show airs on May 31st at 9pm Pacific time!

Pam and Jeff traveled to Los Angeles on Saturday 5/25/24 to spend the day with other spacers attending ISDC’24. Sometimes we were in the same lecture and sometimes we were not. The day was interesting and there were quite a few people there, including many young people! It was a sight to see.

Events like ISDC (International Space Development Conference) are part of ‘Spacer Culture,’ where like-minded folks can get together to build connections, learn from each other and buy cool stuff. We’ll tell you more during this episode of our Friday Night Show!

Join Jeff and Pam LIVE on Friday nights at 9pm Pacific time, USA.

The Friday night show is broadcast on FB and YouTube – just look for Everyday Spacer on either platform.

If you’d like to ask questions, share Space Station sightings or ask what planet you saw in the sky, we’ll help you out. We’ll have a main topic or a guest, then share the highlights of the week ahead and the rest will be ad lib. It might be VERY ad lib sometimes! LOL

#espacer #EverydaySpacer

To support Everyday Spacer through Patreon, visit…

Pam’s book is here…
Your Amazing Itty Bitty Explore Space Now! Book by Pam Hoffman…

Learn about Space Exploration…

Posted in Connect, Entertainment, Event, Friday Night Show, Fun, Participate, Space Exploration, Study | Comments Off on SPACER CULTURE: One Day At ISDC 2024

Burst Chaser

The next episode of our Friday Night Show airs on May 24th at 9pm Pacific time!

“In this project, we need your help on classifying light curves of Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), one of the most energetic explosions in the universe!

“Gamma-ray bursts can relate to supernovae, black holes, and neutron stars. But their true nature is hidden behind the diverse pulse shapes. We need your help to classify these pulses for more clues of what they really are!” ~Zooniverse

Join Jeff and Pam LIVE on Friday nights at 9pm Pacific time, USA.

The Friday night show is broadcast on FB and YouTube – just look for Everyday Spacer on either platform.

If you’d like to ask questions, share Space Station sightings or ask what planet you saw in the sky, we’ll help you out. We’ll have a main topic or a guest, then share the highlights of the week ahead and the rest will be ad lib. It might be VERY ad lib sometimes! LOL

#espacer #EverydaySpacer

To support Everyday Spacer through Patreon, visit…

Pam’s book is here…
Your Amazing Itty Bitty Explore Space Now! Book by Pam Hoffman…

Gamma-Ray Bursts…

Posted in Astronomy, Citizen Science, Entertainment, Friday Night Show, Science, Space Exploration | Comments Off on Burst Chaser