Redshift Wrangler

The next episode of our Friday Night Show airs on August 11th at 9pm Pacific time!

Watch as we demonstrate another Citizen Science project on Zooniverse!

Redshift Wrangler, another Zooniverse Citizen Science project!

Help these scientists use the light from distant galaxies to look back in time to the early universe!

“We need your help to decipher the fingerprints of light from distant galaxies and uncover how they form, grow, and interact with each other throughout the history of our Universe!” ~Zooniverse

Join Jeff and Pam LIVE on Friday nights at 9pm Pacific time, USA.

The Friday night show is broadcast on FB and YouTube – just look for Everyday Spacer on either platform.

If you’d like to ask questions, share Space Station sightings or ask what planet you saw in the sky, we’ll help you out. We’ll have a main topic or a guest, then share the highlights of the week ahead and the rest will be ad lib. It might be VERY ad lib sometimes! LOL

#espacer #EverydaySpacer

To support Everyday Spacer through Patreon, visit……

Pam’s book is here…
Your Amazing Itty Bitty Explore Space Now! Book by Pam Hoffman…

Learn more about tonight’s topic…

This entry was posted in Citizen Science, Entertainment, Friday Night Show, Fun, Participate, Space Exploration. Bookmark the permalink.