6 Hours to Go!

I have shared a TON about the Everyday Spacer Membership over the past 2 weeks and why your best bet is to invest in it NOW!


$1.99/month | 19.99/year | 19.99/FOR LIFE!

Hurry though!  If exploring space has taught us anything,
we must do things sustainably!  That includes business.

After August 8th, the membership will go back up to the 2020 price of…
$5.99/month | 59/year


I have served up so much free stuff over the years that some people may think I am plotting world domination by spreading my grey matter all over the internet.

I have laid out the incredible benefits and hard-core reality of what you are losing by not joining the Everyday Spacer Membership at the best time to join – when we are just getting started and offering the best deals!


$1.99/month | 19.99/year | 19.99/FOR LIFE!

Hurry though!  If exploring space has taught us anything,
we must do things sustainably!  That includes business.

After August 8th, the membership will go back up to the 2020 price of…
$5.99/month | 59/year


This message isn’t about any of those benefits.  This message is about acknowledging that we all have our doubts; some secret fears that hold us captive in the status quo.

Fears that don’t allow us to move forward, even when we know it’s the right thing to do.

This email is my attempt at putting those fears to rest.  To give you simple, honest and brutally straightforward answers to your doubts, fears and lingering worries…

QQQ:  I’m not creating a business, why should I join?

AAA:  Jobs are great…if you have one (I’ve had more than 50!).  They are also a ‘single point failure’ (geek speak from my Boeing days, sorry) in the best of times.  Recently, 45 million people were locked out of work in a snap!  Maybe you like putting your security in someone else’s hands though, I don’t judge.

Generating income outside your normal methods prepares you in the event you have NO OTHER alternatives.

You have more freedom & control!  I remember when one income supported a whole family.  Now two are generally required.  Extrapolating that trend, how do you get a third one going when your time is already booked solid?

You create something else you can count on.

Ever hear of multiple streams of income?  Or work once, get paid over and over again?  It’s been done by everyone who ever wrote a book or a song or acted in TV or a movie for royalties and/or residual income.

You can do it too!

QQQ:  I just wanted the free book!  Why should I buy your membership?

AAA:  Just like every other ‘free’ offer out there enticing you to try something, in this case, you get the book and you get to try the Everyday Spacer Membership, all at once, for about the price of ordering the book alone.

You CAN get the book all by itself.  It’s $10 plus shipping.  If you live in the continental USA, it’s $15 total.  If you live somewhere else, we must calculate the shipping.  The free book with the ES Membership comes out to be a similar deal…for more benefits, depending on how you join the Membership!

QQQ:  I forget, what all does the Everyday Spacer Membership offer again?

AAA:  Instant team!  There are already several members and each person has a network so you never know who you can connect with.  Stop working in a vacuum… until we get out into space.  ;)

Tap into experience in the space exploration sector since 1991, business and marketing since 2003 & 2007 respectively and a process to get what you really want!  I have connections going back a ways too.

Need a mastermind?  An accountability partner?  Just ask.

Always.  Learning.  Known resources, yours for the taking!

Current and future reports included as they are published.

You get what you want so you are happier, a team can mean more help therefore more time for you to spend with your family.  Not every benefit will be easily quantifiable, those will be more satisfying.

Access to other people’s social circles, sometimes celebrities, etc.

Nothing changes you more than getting what you want.

There you have it… some of the things that could possibly be stopping you from investing in the Everyday Spacer Membership.


$1.99/month | 19.99/year | 19.99/FOR LIFE!

Hurry though!  If exploring space has taught us anything,
we must do things sustainably!  That includes business.

After August 8th, the membership will go back up to the 2020 price of…
$5.99/month | 59/year


Still got questions or doubts? Let me know and I will be happy to put those to rest too.

But don’t wait too long, your best deal is slowwwwwwly slipping away from your grasp!


$1.99/month | 19.99/year | 19.99/FOR LIFE!

Hurry though!  If exploring space has taught us anything,
we must do things sustainably!  That includes business.

After August 8th, the membership will go back up to the 2020 price of…
$5.99/month | 59/year


The best deals expire by midnight tonight, my time, which is California, USA, about 6 hours from sending this message.  Take a look now!  This process changes your life, for the better, and for an incredible deal for a little longer today.

Ad Astra, per guile!

Pam Hoffman
Pam at Everyday Spacer dot com


It’s All About Action!

This entry was posted in Book, Business, Event, Fun, Participate, Prepare Yourself, Resource, Space Exploration. Bookmark the permalink.