My first exposure as an Everyday Spacer was through The Planetary Society about mid 80s I think.
From there, I found out about a lecture at the Natural History Museum in Cleveland, Ohio and I attended. I was actually named in the acknowledgements section of the report which came out of that lecture.
The local, then, L5 Society had a table set up at this event and I joined right there.
I eventually got the report from that event. I found my name in the acknowledgements, to my surprise. I notice a number of other folks in the Cleveland area and started contacting them.
And on, and on, and on… to a whole string of different experiences involving space stuff.
And the adventure continues to this day.
It’s interesting to note how one simple thing in a life can spark a whole chain of possibilities if you go with it. It’s a good way to see what lights up your life, just pay attention.
I know that The Planetary Society has membership opportunities. I believe they start projects like a solar sail which launched a few years ago. Under the ‘Get Involved’ tab on their page is a drop down menu with Events, Volunteer, Be A Space Advocate and Contests
See anything at The Planetary Society for you?
*Join if you like, seems to be the only criteria
*No mention of age limit to join
*There is a fee for membership, see projects and events for details
MY APOLOGIES I recently activated a ‘captcha’ plug-in. Each comment will now verify you are a visitor who wants to leave an actual comment. I saw hundreds of messages a day which had nothing to do with Everyday Spacer, or you. The task of sifting and sorting was keeping me from writing and from your real comments. Please reach out as you wish, I want to hear from you and be of service, as I am able. I would not use the ‘captcha’ program if I didn’t have to.
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