5/15 – AIAA Annual Awards Dinner Meeting and Book Signing – Buzz Aldrin: “Mission to Mars: My Vision for Space Exploration” and Francis French: “The Race to the Moon” Los Angeles

Star Trek’s Continuing Relevance
5/16 – Star Trek’s Continuing Relevance
Thursday, May 16
1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
Moving Beyond Earth – Gallery 113
Museum in Washington, DC
Admission: Free
5/17 – Weather vs Climate: A Matter of Time
4-5pm/6-7pm EST
Target Audience: Grades 3-8
Specialist: Tony Leavitt
5/18 – Mojave Fly-In – found an ad on the Parabolic Arc site, got to the website. Check it out for more information on all sorts of cool things.
5/18 – iSPACE hosts a family event every year to celebrate all things SPACE related!
Help us celebrate “Space Day 2013” hosted by iSPACE and Great Oaks on May 18, 2013 from 10 am to 2 pm. This is a public family event and best of all, it is FREE of charge! Past activities have included: (Visit iSpace)
5/20 – Understanding The Red Planet: Mars Image Analysis
4-5pm/6-7pm EST
Target Audience: Grade 5-12
Specialist: Tony Leavitt
5/21 – Modeling the Solar System: What is a Planet?
4-5pm/6-7pm EST
Target Audience: Grades 3 – 8
Specialist: Angelo Casaburri
5/21-6/3 – or so – Triple Planetary Alignment
5/21-23 – Space Tech Expo
May 21-23 2013
Long Beach, CA, USA
5/23-27 – ISDC’13
San Diego, CA
5/24 – ES to host CoS #303
5/24-27 – Space Fest V
Tucson, AZ
5/25 – Astronomy club meeting
San Francisco Amateur Astronomers
www.sfaa-astronomy.org | San Francisco Amateur Astronomers
5/25-26 – SpaceUp
Paris – May 25-26, 2013
ISDC – May 25-26, 2013
5/25 – eclipse
5/27-30 – SatCom Africa
5-28 – http://aesp.psu.edu/programs/webinars/ etc.
Target Audience: Grades 3-8
Specialist: Rick Varner
5/29 – Application & Executive Summary due – DATE CHANGED TO AUGUST 15TH
2013 NewSpace Business Plan Competition
5/30 – Socialites & Rogues! Hosting a NASA/USGS social in Sioux Falls SD for the official declaration of operations, the renaming to Landsat 8, and the handoff from NASA to USGS. 30 May. Tours of the ground station (receiving dish and control room), tours of the archives, and an evening event will be included, among others. Look for notice to come out on Friday!
5/31-6/2 – Space StartUp
5/31 – The 2013 meeting of the 100 Year Starship Symposium, run by the DARPA-funded 100-Year Starship Initiative, is taking place on September 19-22 in Houston, TX. The call for papers has now passed, with abstracts due on May 31.
6/1 – Oak Canyon Star Party
6/3 – An Evening at the Planetarium w/ Veteran NASA Space Shuttle Astronaut, Dr. Story Musgrave, M.D.: Sponsored by ASME, GE Research, AIAA & miSci
Around Town posts feature ‘quickie’ notes about activities that you can do locally or online. We want to let you know about as many different things out there that you can do – often, right where you are – and sometimes just for taking the time to go look.
It’s all about action!