Take a Break!

6. Take a vacation
“Vacations are the best way to recharge your soul.”
~Barbara Corcoran
From the ‘Bonus Manual’ in her book Use What You’ve Got, and Other Business Lessons I Learned from My Mom

Perhaps you noticed.  The Everyday Spacer blog has been pretty quiet the past few days.

When I worked at the Boeing plant in Huntington Beach, CA, it would shut down for about a week at this time of year.  I suppose I’m used to it now.

Sometimes, it’s beneficial to put it all aside and do something a bit different.  As a blogger, this can be accomplished as well as continuing to post high quality content. It’s a matter of planning ahead, post dating articles, inviting guest bloggers,* etc.

I admit, I’m currently a one woman show here at Everyday Spacer.  I’m also much more comfortable reading a nice book about particle physics than becoming an entrepreneur.  I do like a good challenge though.

Who wants to stay small?

So I participate in a mastermind team and I tap into another one to keep learning about business and creating passive residual income.  I stretch myself in multiple ways on a regular basis.

I was once plagued with ‘analysis paralysis’ which was easily fixed by simply setting that aside and taking action.  There are still many more lessons for me to turn my dreams into reality.

“The key to happiness is having dreams. The key to success is making your dreams come true.” ~unknown

Recently inspired by a video featuring Mia Davies, this ‘recharge’ has helped me learn to hold onto the thought – ‘make the difference you are meant to make in the world’ – and so, I am and you are too.

Sometimes, you just gotta’ take a break!

*I’m always open to allowing you to contribute to the Everyday Spacer blog!  Please indicate your interest.

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